
Managing a High-Performing Sales Team

عن الدورة التدريبية

The world of selling is undergoing some dramatic changes. New buyer behaviour and emerging technologies are changing, along with how sales organizations go to the market and build customer relationships. Leaders of sales teams encounter challenges to find and engage resources across functions and organizations. They cope with a higher knowledge burden and a far more diverse set of soft skills to retain both top performers and unmotivated staff in order to attract the right talent with the desired skills and competencies whilst changing the current sales force’s mindset and behaviour. Another big challenge is the transition from executive role to managerial position, what happens when sales training doesn’t translate to sales management training. Being a sales manager is no longer about selling, it’s about managing a team and helping other people maximize their performance in order to meet sales quotas.

ماذا ستتعلم في هذه الدورة؟

  • Examine sales and business strategies

  • Improve productivity by understanding principles of time and stress management

  • Identify their own managerial and leadership skills

  • Learn strategies recruit and develop best talents


-خدمة النقل من / إلى المطار.
-مواد تدريبية مفصلة بالكامل
-قاعة الاجتماعات مع استراحة قهوة يومية ووجبات خفيفة
-تقييمات قبل وبعد برنامج التدريب لضمان رضا المتدرب.
-شهادة الدورة
-ورشة عمل لبرنامج التدريب للحصول على أقصى استفادة من الدورة
-توفير جميع المرافق المطلوبة للمشاركين في حضورنا

Date : 2024-10-28
الدورة تشمل:
  • Language اللغة English
  • img الشهادات Yes
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