
Global Oil Economics & Strategic Planning

عن الدورة التدريبية

The business of oil and gas is multifaceted, technically complex, highly capital intensive and often confronted with potential risks and uncertainties. Today’s oil companies are dealing with ever increasing levels of complexity, price volatility and competition. The innovative technologies in the recovery of oil are also changing the landscape of petroleum industry. Integration of refining and petrochemicals to achieve greater efficiencies is yet another critical factor in the business. Managing international supplies, investment decision-making, refining and trading of oil & gas require several cross-functional skills.

ماذا ستتعلم في هذه الدورة؟

  • Fully understand the petroleum industry dynamics including geopolitics, supply-demand and crude oil prices dynamics,

  • Successfully benchmark petroleum project economic evaluation in a consistent manner

  • Skills to conduct strategic planning to handle challenging situations in oil & gas

  • Understand the strategic hedging of oil price-risk with Upstream and Downstream Management


-خدمة النقل من / إلى المطار.
-مواد تدريبية مفصلة بالكامل
-قاعة الاجتماعات مع استراحة قهوة يومية ووجبات خفيفة
-تقييمات قبل وبعد برنامج التدريب لضمان رضا المتدرب.
-شهادة الدورة
-ورشة عمل لبرنامج التدريب للحصول على أقصى استفادة من الدورة
-توفير جميع المرافق المطلوبة للمشاركين في حضورنا

Date : 2024-06-03
الدورة تشمل:
  • Language اللغة English
  • img الشهادات Yes
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