
Treasury and Cash Management

عن الدورة التدريبية

The banking crisis of 2008, which created financial havoc around the world, caused considerable savings and wealth to evaporate, strained the equity levels of global organisations to unprecedented minimum levels and resulted in money markets, as well as other normally liquid and transparent capital markets, to temporarily freeze up or suspend trading activities. As a result of the substantial losses caused by this tidal wave of financial ruin that occurred in equity stock markets, currency, commodity and derivative markets on a global basis, treasury and cash management functions are now regarded as vital for the stability, security and profitability of all organisations.

ماذا ستتعلم في هذه الدورة؟

  • Recognise the roles, responsibilities, tools and strategies associated with treasury management, including international best practices and procedures

  • Improve financial management skills in terms of managing assets and liabilities liquidity issues

  • Discuss the various types of risks associated with global organisations, namely interest, exchange, credit and commodity pricing risks and identifying sources


-خدمة النقل من / إلى المطار.
-مواد تدريبية مفصلة بالكامل
-قاعة الاجتماعات مع استراحة قهوة يومية ووجبات خفيفة
-تقييمات قبل وبعد برنامج التدريب لضمان رضا المتدرب.
-شهادة الدورة
-ورشة عمل لبرنامج التدريب للحصول على أقصى استفادة من الدورة
-توفير جميع المرافق المطلوبة للمشاركين في حضورنا

Date : 2024-10-07
الدورة تشمل:
  • Language اللغة English
  • img الشهادات Yes
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