
Refinery System Process Analysis and Testing Using Agent Based Simulation

Course Description

Due to the sheer size and complexity of the refineries, having an overview of the system as a whole is very difficult, and predicting the influence of different behavior of the pumps, machines, assets and personnel is almost impossible without the help of the adequate software tools. However, only the simulation and process modeling software that has the ability to incorporate and connect agent-based simulation, system dynamics simulation and discrete event simulation can analyze the behavior of a system as a whole based on the interaction of the agents.

What you'll learn in this course?

  • Acquire the knowledge to consider the refinery as a system, not a sum off its parts

  • Incorporate optimizing models into a simulation package

  • Learn how to perform Multi-method modeling and apply it to refinery process

Our Commitments

-Transportation service from / to airport.
-Fully detailed Training Material
-Meeting room with Daily coffee break and Snacks
-Evaluations before and after the training program to ensure the trainee’s satisfaction.
-Course certificate
-Workshop of the training program to get the maximum benefits of the course
-Provide all the required facilities to the participants in our laps

Dubai|United Arab Emirates
Date : 2024-05-27
Course includes:
  • Language Language English
  • img Certifications Yes
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