
Integrated Reservoir Analysis

Course Description

Training course aims to give the participants with a solid understanding on the integrated reservoir engineering analysis. The training course adopts an integrated approach to cover many fundamentals and conventional reservoir engineering aspects. The training course will extend to include a deep analysis on reservoir simulation and modelling features started from natural flow case and up to enhanced oil recovery modelling. Production optimization in addition to water & gas coning concepts are included especially with smart horizontal well technology.

What you'll learn in this course?

  • Gain better understand on the fundamental of reservoir engineering

  • Be aware how to calculate the original hydrocarbon in place and reserve estimation

  • Gain sufficient knowledge on reservoir simulation analysis

Our Commitments

-Transportation service from / to airport.
-Fully detailed Training Material
-Meeting room with Daily coffee break and Snacks
-Evaluations before and after the training program to ensure the trainee’s satisfaction.
-Course certificate
-Workshop of the training program to get the maximum benefits of the course
-Provide all the required facilities to the participants in our laps

Dubai|United Arab Emirates
Date : 2024-12-09
Course includes:
  • Language Language English
  • img Certifications Yes
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