
Strategic Talent Management in the Oil and Gas Industry


Identifying, developing and retaining your talent has never been more important for the oil and gas industry with the ever changing economic market. An organisations best and most valuable asset is undoubtedly the people; as it’s the people who operate the systems, the equipment and who can really make the difference between growth or failure. Losing or not being able to recruit the best talent can have a disastrous impact on an organization’s growth and sustainability.Training course will teach you the key talent management processes, systems and procedures in order to apply these in the multi-complex and diverse Oil and Gas industry.

Bu kursta neler öğreneceksiniz?

  • Develop key strategies to optimize your talent and high potential employees

  • Understand the mechanisms to define talent, as well as manage your talent and high potential,

  • Engage and employ robust talent strategies within the complex multi-discipline oil and gas industry

  • Produce develop effective and functional succession planning strategies


-Havaalanı / havaalanına ulaşım hizmeti.
-Tamamen detaylı Eğitim Materyali
-Günlük kahve molası ve atıştırmalıklarla toplantı salonu
-Eğitim programı öncesinde ve sonrasında eğitim alanı memnuniyetini sağlamak için değerlendirmeler.
-Kurs sertifikası
-Kursun maksimum faydasını elde etmek için eğitim programının atölyesi
-Katılımcılara gerekli tüm olanakları sağlamak için kucaklarımızda bulunmaktadır

Date : 2024-09-23
Kurs İçerikleri:
  • Language Dil English
  • img Sertifikalar Yes
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